Sorting things out,...of my life

In between packing and trying to remain calm in my current world in North Carolina, I am also trying to prepare for my new world and new life coming up in France and my new FULL TIME at home profession of being a writer/designer (newbie) and taking my current part time business full time - web design. As you can see I have a LOT going on.
Packing is going................yeah.....just going. Its weird because I am only packing MY STUFF not MY THINGS...what do I mean by that? Lol Well I am not packing or moving beds, furniture, paintings on the walls, etc. That stuff I am either giving away or selling, but my THINGS, such as my craft supplies, clothes, personal sentimental items and toiletries,..I AM packing that stuff. The problem I have (being anally retentive) is that no matter HOW MUCH of these types of things I pack, it still looks like I have not really packed much,....because all my furniture, wall hangings and stuff is still out, around and existing as if my life is NOT about to be completely changed by a big move. Its weird and often times disturbing, but what can I do about it? I still have to live, cook, clean, sleep and just be in this apartment and have the apartment be FUNCTIONAL until I am ready to leave.
I completely understand because I was in the same place just over two and a half years ago. Now, I am sitting here in France typing a comment to you and it is still so crazy that I have to pinch myself sometimes. I really love living in France and I will keep reading to relive all the adventure of moving to another country again. I can still remember the airlines complaining about all the carry ons we had with two small babies. I just looked at the lady and told her that we are moving to France not visiting. And, all that I could bring...I brought! She left us alone after that. :) Good luck and all the things you leave behind are just material. I have never even thought about the furniture. I did however have my mother send my pictures with my father when he visited in a suitcase since shipping is too expensive.
Thank you for posting American Spoken Here on your links! I'm happy to meet you : )
Wishing you all the best in your move to France...I'm looking forward to reading all about it!
hey, i just stopped by your blog and I wanted to say that I wish you the best. I used to write Ma Vie a Annecy back when I lived in France. You are going on such an amazing adventure, I can't wait to read along and hear how it goes.
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