Sunday, June 11, 2006


Countdown has started

I am at the two month point now. Two months before I actually leave. I am one of those people that insists on packing everything, complete with labels (storage, to be shipped, etc.) and have it ready to go long before normal people. So now, I am stressing. Self induced stress, yes, but stress none the less. I just want things to be simple and in order when Frenchy gets here. I dont want us to spend all of our time together here, preparing to be "there." I want him to enjoy being here and enjoy spending time with ME here...not being my mover. I wont be able to avoid having him help me move things TOTALLY, but I want it to be just the bare minimum for sure.

I had planned to sell all of my furniture and give my new bed to my mother. The little knick-knacks and sentimental things that I own, I want to box up and store at my mothers house. But this is the problem...I am having trouble trying to seperate what I want to keep for sentimental reasons versus what I really DONT NEED to keep for ANY reason.....those things I just THINK I need to keep because I have bought them recently or I still use them, etc. etc.

Man, this is hard.

I mean, I want to box everything up and put it in nice little box stacks in the closets of my house while I try to continue to have some semblance of a normal life for the next two months, but I NEVER realized getting rid of flower pots, framed Ansel Adams photos and computer desks would be so hard! Then, on top of it, until I find someone to take all this stuff off my hands, I have to look at it! Empty, folded up, bare of knick knacks and candles....I feel very much in limbo right now. The more I pack, label and organize, the more out of sync, confused and disorganized I feel (in a way).


Blogger miss tango said...

I wish I was feeling so organized about my move. I have full intentions to do labels and all, but I will wait until I get to my mums, where things will be stored, and I have 2 full weeks uninterruped to make out lists and sell of more stuff.

6/12/2006 12:22 PM  

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